Welcome to SafeWork SA Online Payments

Please note SafeWork SA operates a separate portal for holders of photo ID licences, such as High Risk Work Licences. Go to MY LICENCE UPDATES to renew a High Risk Work Licence, or update your contact information if you have a photo ID licence.

What can I pay for using SafeWork SA's Online Payments Portal?

SA's Online Payments Portal can be used to pay an Expiation Notice issued by a SafeWork SA inspector, as well as tax invoices for the renewal of the following licences and registrations:


Dangerous Substances



  • Boiler
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Building Maintenance Unit
  • Concrete Placing Unit
  • Mobile Crane
  • Tower Crane
  • Lift
  • Licence to Keep Prescribed Dangerous Substances
  • Licence to Sell Petroleum Products
  • Factory Renewal
  • Carriage Licence
  • Import
  • Premises
  • Gas Fitting Work Permit
    • LPG
    • CNG
  • Employment Agents

Tips before you start:

Please review your invoice or notice prior to commencing your online payment. If you notice any discrepancies with the information on the document, please contact SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255.

Payments can be made using MasterCard or VISA.

Part-payments are not accepted. Please ensure you pay the full amount shown on the invoice.

Further information:

If you require assistance, call SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255.

Click "Next" to pay an Expiation Notice or Renewal Tax Invoice.